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Simple Thoughts On Hurricane Harvey

I have to voice my opinion; following the awful events of Hurricane Harvey. I think true colours have shown in America, a country self-absorbed (not that every individual there is). Houston, Texas has a population of approximately 2.3 million people (that were effected). It is thought that 44 people were killed by the storm, which is tragic. Newspapers have been reporting how it will cost USA Billions of Dollars, considering all the social media I've seen, celebrities and public figures have been showing the 100's to 100,000's of dollars they have been donating to the Red Cross. Which is great! However this has completely overshadowed the 100's of other (less fortunate/wealthy) countries effected by the storms. 41 million people in South Asia have been effected by it, houses destroyed, lives destroyed. In India, Nepal and Bangladesh 1,200 people had been killed. From not so wealthy countries, who can't afford to rebuild (or rebuild as quick as USA) how will they be able to pick up when they're don't have the resources or supplies. Also it shouldn't be up to the public; it should be the government and the rich, in their skyscrapers earning millions upon millions, from staring at numbers. Now I don't know much about living conditions in these poor places etc. but from what I've seen... I can only hope USA help! And not for their own patriotic pride, but for humanity.

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